A Global Methodist Church
We are now having services inside the sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. You can also find our current sermon video below. We pray that the sermon will be encouraging to you. The service is also recorded and the online messages are uploaded on Sunday afternoon. May you feel the love of Jesus Christ and His blessing through these messages.
Today's message, given to us by MaryKay Heverly, titled "Jesus’ Warnings” Goes through Jesus’ description of the End Times in Mathew Chapter 24. Through Scripture we can clearly see that we are in the times Jesus described as “The Birthing Pains” of the End Times (Matthew 24: 8). Because Christ’s Return is imminent, we as Christians Must ready our Hearts and preach to the Whole World the good news of Jesus’ Sacrifice for them. As Jesus says in John 14:6 “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life; No one comes to the Father except through me.” We must be Bold in these Times and share this truth with the Lost in anticipation of the return of Jesus to this Earth.
Please Enjoy our 2023 Christmas Eve "Candlelight Service"
Have a Merry Christmas and may God Bless you into the New Year!
Today's message is "We are Here!" All year we have looked forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and we are finally here. It is interesting to think about what the first twelve disciples were doing on that day when Jesus was born as flesh and blood here on earth. They had not yet been called and it would be some thirty years until they would be called to mission for Jesus. What have we been doing all year, while waiting for this day. We are all called to serve Him and love the people that He came to save as He is loving us. Let's strap our boots on and get busy living out His love for a world that so desperately needs it.
Today's message is "Which Way do We Go?" We all make so many decisions every day. When God calls us to do things during our lives, the decisions are much more important than something like today’s dinner plans. The wisemen were called to follow the star that led them to Jesus. They chose wisely and were able to begin to spread the good news. We also need to renew our decision to follow Jesus every day. The world competes with that decision harder as time goes on. Which way we go has life and death implications, not only for us but also for the lost around us that so desperately need to know which way they should go. We, as a church decided to go the way of truth and follow Jesus without comprise. To date, over seven thousand churches have made the same decision. That decision must be renewed every day. There could be no way for the wisemen to have been prepared for the joy that filled their hearts the first time that they saw Jesus Christ lying in that manger. Think back and remember the first time that you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and decide today to give that gift to everyone.
Today was the very wonderful children’s Christmas program “An Out of the Box Christmas.” It is awesome to see all of the hard work come together to bring the message of Jesus Christ our Lord! Christmas events do not come out perfectly and are sometimes very different that we had planned. However, when we remember that Jesus IS the story that this world needs and who we really need, everything else is secondary. In fact, all the details that we fret over are nothing in comparison to the best gift ever given. The gift of salvation through Jesus Christ is the best gift ever given and when we keep Him first, everything is right. Actually, all of us that have surrendered to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior are called to shout the Good News from the roof tops just as the shepherds were called to do. God uses everyone. All we have to do is to be willing to be His vessel.
We are now having services inside the sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. You can also find our current sermon video below. We pray that the sermon will be encouraging to you. The service is also recorded and the online messages are uploaded on Sunday afternoon. May you feel the love of Jesus Christ and His blessing through these messages.
Today's message is "I will Follow with All My Heart." We make all sorts of plans but are we really looking, listening and hearing God's plans for our lives? Joseph had planned to be wed to Mary and have a normal life. God had other plans. When he found out she was a pregnant virgin, Joseph's plan was to dismiss her and move on. God had other plans and it took a visit from the angel Gabriel to make God's plan clear to Joseph. Joseph came around and followed God with all of his heart despite the hardships. Joseph and Mary raised Jesus Christ, the very Son of God, and lived out God's plan to save all believers through Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus began the DNA of our faith as Christians. To follow Jesus means to go all in and get up and move when He calls. As we go through this Christmas season, let's renew our commitment to Follow Love God with our our hearts, minds and souls and follow Him.