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Damascus Methodist Church

Changing Lives for Jesus Christ for over 160 years.

A Global Methodist Church

August 25, 2024

Today's message is titled "Destination Thessalonians". Join us as we continue Paul's journey as he travelled to Thessalonica and wrote letters to encourage the young church that struggled to organize. 1st and 2nd Thessalonians are filled with lessons on patience. We are reminded to have patience with others, patience with God and even patience with ourselves. 1st Thessalonians also reminds us that we are chosen by God to be His own people and that He has brought power by His Word Spirit and Grace, thereby giving us His full assurance. 2nd Thessalonians reminds us to never stop thanking The Lord Jesus Christ for His unfailing Love, Grace and Mercy. A Love so powerful that He saved us from the death that we deserve because of our sin. Grace so powerful that we are forgiven even for the sins that we will commit. He id faithful and just to forgive our sins and we can confess and ask for forgiveness from those who we have hurt. Our God is so good and He knows each one of us perfectly and yet He loves us perfectly. What a great example of how we need to strive to love those around us, friends, family and strangers alike.

August 18, 2024

Today's message delivered by Pastor Jon is titled "Who Am I". God chooses the most unlikely among us to do His work. The Apostle Paul was Jesus' worst enemy but Jesus chose him to be His strongest advocate. We are all called to spread The Gospel message and we are all called to know Jesus more and more in order to be able to spread His word. We all think that we might be inadequately equipped to do so and might ask "Who am I to speak Jesus to the world?" If you are a child of God believing in the saving Grace of Jesus Christ, you are well equipped and exactly in the right place to be used by Him. Who am I? I am His.

August 11, 2024

Today's message was delivered by Chad Frank. Chad and Eva Frank along with their family of three children have been missionaries to regional college campuses with H2O Ministries for almost twenty years. Joining Chad today was Trevor Wood, who himself is a product of H2O Ministries is soon moving out to plant churches on college campuses as well. Chad's message, titled "Step Out of The Boat", is based on the miracle in Matthew 14:22-33 when Jesus allowed Peter to walk on water to Himself and then calmed the storm. Peter could only step out of the boat and walk on water while he kept his faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus called him to step out of the boat and as long as Peter disregarded the chaos of the storm and kept his faith in Jesus Christ who was calling him, he could do as called. The message was and is for all Christians today. We just need to have enough faith to take that first step out of the boat and answer what ever callings we have in our lives. Life's chaos will always remain but as long as we keep praying constantly and relying on Jesus to provide for the mission to which we are called, He will provide. Jesus is faithful, friends. Keep the Faith and get out of the boat today!

August 4, 2024

The Testing Of Your FAITH Produces Steadfastness

Today's message "When My House Is Broken"

Scripture: Luke 15: 11-32 Parable of the Lost Son To illustrate the point further, Jesus told them this story: “A man had two sons. The younger son told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now before you die.’ So his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons. “A few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land, and there he wasted all his money in wild living. About the time his money ran out, a great famine swept over the land, and he began to starve. He persuaded a local farmer to hire him, and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs. The young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him. But no one gave him anything. “When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘At home even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am dying of hunger! I will go home to my father and say, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired servant.”’ “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. “But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began. “Meanwhile, the older son was in the fields working. When he returned home, he heard music and dancing in the house, and he asked one of the servants what was going on. ‘Your brother is back,’ he was told, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf. We are celebrating because of his safe return.’ “The older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in. His father came out and begged him, but he replied, ‘All these years I’ve slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to. And in all that time you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends. Yet when this son of yours comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes, you celebrate by killing the fattened calf!’ “His father said to him, ‘Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours. We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found!'”

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